Nauseating Bridge Quotes: Pete Relson
by Al Stauber on
February 4th, 2011
PETE RELSON: (cross-referenced to Allan Stauber)
Relson is an excellent player, probably better than many top seeds (usually designated by #3) in sections of National events, but he has seldom played in them. This was one of our more interesting auctions:
East (Stauber) | South | West (Relson) | North |
1 ♠ | Pass | 2NT (Jacoby) | Pass |
4 ♥ (void) | Pass | Pass (!!!) | Pass |
The lead was made, and Stauber was checking to see if he was the declarer and what was going on! Suddenly:
Relson: I’m sorry, I thought you were just making a fast arrival minimum bid. I forgot which major you opened!
P.S.: Despite my best efforts, we didn’t get any matchpoints for this result.