Al The Plumber

Nauseating Bridge Quotes: Bill Kreps

BILL KREPS: (cross-referenced to Joe Dell, Howard Chandross, Emil Jensen, Allan Stauber, and Anonymous)

I observed some curious defensive play by the opponents as my partner, Kreps, declared 4 in a Regional MP Pair event. The woman on Kreps’ left had bid hearts but she trumped the first time that Kreps played one! Not only that, she ruffed with the A!!!!! No one said anything, and the play continued. Later the woman started following to heart tricks!

After the play was over, Kreps called the director. He ruled that we got the standard revoke penalty.

Anonymous woman: But I can’t lose the ace of trump!

Anonymous director: Lady, you just did it!

P.S: I only played once with Howard Chandross as a partner. It was in another Regional MP Pair game. Once again, a woman to declarer’s left revoked with the A in a spade contract, and thus lost it! Apparently, it’s contagious.


[…] DELL: (cross-referenced to Emil Jensen, Bill Kreps, and Allan […]

Bill KrepsNovember 16th, 2011 at 6:23 pm

Great fun to relive. Nitpick: The woman was on my *right* – Al’s left.

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